To summarize a decade’s worth of brilliant design with 20 covers is little more than an exercise in futility. We can all agree, however, that the best part of passing into a new digit bracket is the lists that come with it. This collection is little more than a representation of my own tastes, but I tried to choose works which were representative of their respective years.
I beat myself up quite a bit when putting this together, but there are still a handful of notables worth mentioning:
- Any of gray318‘s covers for Safran Foer.
- Any of Kidd or Gall’s covers for Murakami
- Anything from Henry Sene Yee
- Anything from Paul Buckley or Darren Haggar over at Penguin US.

The Abomination, Chip Kidd
Art Direction by Carol Devine Carson
Faster, Jamie Keenan
Art Direction by John Gall

A General Theory of Love, John Gall
Photographer, Boris Schmalenberger
The Darkness and The Light, Chip Kidd

The Egg Code, Evan Gaffney
Art Direction by Carol Devine Carson
Lullaby, Rodrigo Corral

Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth, Chris Ware
Oryx And Crake, John Gall

A Shortcut Through Time, Peter Buchanan-Smith
Killing the Buddha, Paul Sahre
Photograph by Jason Fulford

Murder, gray318
Representative of the Penguin 70th anniversary box set.
Book One, Mark Melnick
Art Direction by Chip Kidd

The Prisoner of Guantanamo, John Gall
Race Riots, David Drummond

Exile and the Kingdom, Helen Yentus
Art Direction by John Gall
Representative of the Camus Series
One Perfect Day, Evan Gaffney
Art direction by Darren Haggar

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, David Pearson
Representative of the Penguin Great Ideas series.
Obsession, Isaac Tobin
Illustration by Lauren Nassef

The Way Through Doors, Helen Yentus, Jason Booher
Art Direction by John Gall
The Original of Laura, Chip Kidd
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Feel free to tell me how wrong I am in the comments.