We’re excited to announce that the Book Cover Archive is partnering with Stephen Coles, type director at FontShop and editor of Typographica, in an ongoing effort to identify all the fonts used in the archive. In the coming weeks you should start noticing some changes and additions around the site to that effect, so stay tuned.
Also note that the bets are on as to what percentage of the covers make use of Trade Gothic, (I’m going to go out on a limb here and say 20%).
[...] Typeface Identification (!)
“Also note that the bets are on as to what percentage of the covers make use of Trade Gothic, (I’m going to go out on a limb here and say 20%).”
Could you include its stepsisters, Knockout and Champion, in that survey?
Indeed, and these ladies too.
What about DIN?
It was one of the most popular used for university press books, but I don’t think it’s nearly as pervasive as it is in the corporate world.
[...] Se continuar a crescer, vai ser um recurso visual ímpar, e um apoio à investigação imprescindível. Nomeadamente este requisito que espera a vez de implementação (apesar do steady beta): Identificação/procura por fonte – http://blog.bookcoverarchive.com/2009/01/300. [...]
Added a bunch of new tags today. Futura is vying for the title, giving Trade Gothic a run for its money.
A healthy mind in a healthy body.