Stefanie Posavec art print

20×200 will be selling a print by book cover designer (among other things) Stefanie Posavec later today.

A Literary Organism was first used in a project where I explored methods of visualizing the writing style of Jack Kerouac in On the Road. For this piece, I analyzed Benjamin’s essay for word count per sentence and by themes within its structure, and I did it all by hand. Some people knit, I enjoy the act of painstakingly analyzing text with a pen and a highlighter, as to me, the process of gathering the data is as equally important as the visual outcome.

The print will be available in a few hours, with a special coupon code embedded somewhere in 20×200′s mailing list.

The print:

Some more of Posavec’s work:

December 9th, 2009 by Pieratt

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