A brief note on blogging

1) The Archive component of this site is doing its best to be a comprehensive resource for all the best contemporary book cover design available. This blog, however, isn’t. This is partly because I’m lazy and partly because there are other great book cover design blogs out there that I just assume you’re reading. Generally speaking, I try and avoid relinking news or designs from other sites. The community just isn’t large enough to merit that kind of redundancy (in my opinion).

I occasionally get worried that I’m not doing a good enough job posting the excellent work being featured on other sites, but I’ve recently come to the conclusion that that’s ok. God Bradbury invented RSS for a reason, right? So in case you haven’t seen it in the Footer of the main Archive, here’s a list of other book cover blogs you should really be checking:

Let me know if you notice any that I’m missing.

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2) I’ve had a number of people ask me about my involvement with Covers, the blog I used to run at my old firm, Fwis. I did the majority of posts at Covers for over three years. It was and continues to be a great site. However, just to clarify, I’m no longer with Fwis and I’m no longer involved with their blog in any respect. I haven’t made a post there for going on 10 months.

June 12th, 2009 by Pieratt

8 Responses to “A brief note on blogging”

  1. Dan says:

    Hey man. I would add in the Caustic Cover Critic:


    And Beyond the Covers:




  2. Dan says:

    Oh and thanks – as always – for linkage. Lol. ;-)

  3. Gerry says:

    You’re doing a fantastic job with your blog, I check it every day. We publish as Chester River Press, and also run an antiquarian bookshop, Chestertown Old Book Co. My Blog is BookmansJournal@blogspot.
    Thank you for the fine work and ideas.


  4. MATTHEW ROSE says:

    Hello Ben Pieratt and Eric Jacobsen,

    Tried to find your e mail for contact, but didn’t quickly enough, so I’ll post here if that’s okay.

    I’m organizing a global project/exhibition entitled A BOOK ABOUT DEATH for The Emily Harvey Foundation Gallery in NYC, NY. Opening is September 10, 2009.

    Essentially, we’ve asked artists, designers, photographers and creatives all over the world to submit 500 post cards (or CDs or DVDs) as “pages” in this book. We will put up one copy of each, and place the remaining 499 cards on tables for people to take and assemble their own books. The blog http://abookaboutdeath.blogspot.com/ records the image and the artist URL, allows comments and serves as the information well for the exhibition/event with the artist call in English, Spanish, Italian, and Google Japanese (so far). The abookaboutdeath.net/ website is a permanent “wall” of the exhibition with images and links to the artist sites.

    I’m writing you because I think your work (and clearly the work on your blog archives) is sympatico with the project (book covers!) and in searching you out, I have discovered this gorgeous and large design group of similarly interesting designers. So, we would love to have you contribute to the exhibition and to alert the graphic design/illustration community world wide…

    The exhibition is non-profit, the works are taken (post cards) and the idea is to delve into the subject of death from many many angles.

    As you can imagine, writing these invitations takes time… but I hope it’s worth it in bringing great art to the project.

    Many thanks,

    Matthew Rose / Paris, France


  5. Dan says:

    I should also have mentioned Canadian book designer Ingrid Paulson’s blog Coverings:


  6. guinevere says:

    Julia Rothman’s Book By Its Cover http://www.book-by-its-cover.com/ should definitely be on this list.

  7. Thanks for listing my blog. It isn’t “defunct” per se, just in hiatus. There is a glut of good book design blogs. At this point if I do blog I want it to fill a need and be more than self-serving. A few ideas in the hopper, but designing precludes me from execution at this point. Keep up the great work.


  8. [...] lastly… I can’t thank the chaps at the BCA enough for the link love . You are gentlemen and [...]

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