1000 Covers (!)

1000 Covers

Three things worth noting this evening:

1) We just finished uploading our 1000th cover. Woo!

2) The entirety of the Pocket Penguins 70th Anniversary box set is now up for display. They’re currently on the front page or you can see them in the Penguin Books Ltd publisher page.

3) Stephen Coles has been hard at work identifying the fonts used on all the covers in the Archive. He is just shy of 200 covers identified at this point. Check out the Futura and Trade Gothic pages for a preview of things to come.

February 3rd, 2009 by Pieratt

3 Responses to “1000 Covers (!)”

  1. Is it possible to browse the archive by typeface?

  2. Pieratt says:

    Not yet. We’ll be adding that soon.

  3. This is great! This could be especially useful to students, as well…to see all the different ways you can use a certain typeface. Kudos!

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