We finally got our hands on the Print Regional Annual.


↑ Art Director: Jill Shimabukuro
Design/Lettering: Natalie Smith
Photo: Robert N Davis Collection, the New York Public Library
University of Chicago Press

↑ Art Director: Jill Shima
Designer: Isaac Tobin
University of Chicago Press

↑ Art Director: Mark Ross
Designer: Mary Hooper
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville

↑ Art Director/Designer: Bryan Ashburn
Illustrator: Jesse Ewing
Quirk Books, Philadelphia

↑ Design Firm: High Design, Athens NY
Designer: David High
Photographer: Anna Beata Bohdziewicz

↑ Designer: Michaela Sullivan
Photographer: Jayne Hind Bidant
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston

↑ Designer: Alex Camlin
De Capo Press, Cambridge MA

↑ Designer: Emily Gutheinz
The MIT Press, Cambridge MA

↑ Designer/Illustrator: Rex Bonomelli
Photographer: Rick Fischer

↑ Design Firm: Ben Gibson Studio, Brooklyn
Designer: Ben Gibson
Illustrator(s): Ben Gibson, Jonathan Bennett
Penguin USA
Mules and Men

↑ Designer: Gregg Kulick

↑ Art Director/Designer: Phil Falco
Illustrator: Drew Struzan

↑ Design: Julianna Lee
Little, Brown & Company

↑ Design: Henry Sene Yee

↑ Design Firm: Ben Gibson Studio
Design: Ben Gibson
Nice macro shot of this one here

↑ Illustrator: Jennifer Wang
CD: Paul Buckley

Art Director: Henry Sene Yee
Illustrator: Christoph Neimann

↑ Art Director: Roseanne Serra
Designer: Jennifer Wang
Great book.

↑ Art Director: Paolo Pepe
Designer: Joe Montgomery/Wednesday design
Photographer: Andrew K Davey
Bantam Dell

↑ Art Director: susan mitchell
Designer: Charlotte Strick
Illustrator: Margaret Cusack (She specializes in textile illustrations!)
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
(Best image we could find sorry)

↑ Art Director/Designer: Anne Twomey
Photographer: Elizabeth Watt
Hachette Book Group

↑ Designer: Paul Sahre
Photographer: Michael Northrup
Hachette Book Group

↑ Art Director: Susan Mitchell
Designer: Jennifer Carrow
Farrar, Straus & Giroux

↑ Creative Director: Paul Puckley
Designer/Illustrator: Daniel Clowes (fun fact: Clowes did a lot of the illustration for OK Soda)
Series Concept: Helen Yentus (our credit, not Print’s)

↑ Men of Letters & People of substance
Design Firm: De Cicque Design
Design: Roberto de Vicque de Comptich
David R Godine

↑ Art Director: Darren Haggar
Designer: Christopher Brand @ Rodrigo Corral Design

↑ Design Firm: gray318
Designer: Jonathan Gray
Art Director: Darren Haggar

↑ Design: Flag
Photographer: Ian Lloyd / Masterfile
Hachette Book Group

↑ Art Director: Paolo Pepe
Design: Roberto D Vicque
Photagrapher: McDermott and McGough
The Dial Press

Art Director: Susan Mitchell
Illustrator: Charles Burns
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
The big winner? Design Related. My goodness who isn’t on that site these days?